By Omugbe prisca - January 01, 2018

Always had this flare of writing to inspire.
I thought about starting with a Facebook page.
But I was so skeptical about how the page was gonna be sustained.
Today, this is my 18th published article on the page.
Now am running a blog.
Thanks to God and the Holy Spirit who has been my source of inspiration.

Am also taking this time out, to say a very big thanks, to all my followers you have all been a source of encouragement and you still are.

To all those nursing one idea 
or the other,
You don't need to be big to start but you have to start to be big.
All you need do is START.
And when do you start?
You start now!!!

From Catheyo Initiative we wish you a prosperous and fulfilling new year. This is a perfect time to START.

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