By Omugbe prisca - April 08, 2018

It's a very cool Sunday morning here in Lagos. It rained ☔ at night and I over slept, the weather was so cool.  I was really angry 😡  with myself, because I was going to miss the church bus even though I dressed with the speed of light. I choose to remain grateful ultimately because I am alive.

I also remembered a story of a man. The man said I feel so sad because I have no shoes. That same day he met a man without legs and he became so grateful to God.
A man without legs was always mourning his condition until a day he witnessed an accident scene and saw how people died. He immediately said "God thank you for my life".

Gratitude lifts off anxiety and brightens your countenance.
A grateful heart, is a heart that is always ready to receive.
The secret for the application of more blessings is gratitude.
Nothing is too little to express gratitude on.

Always know that in every situation you find yourself you are better than someone.
You might not have gotten to that place you want to be, but the truth remains that, you are not where you used to be.
Never be so depressed about your situation that, you never ever notice the great things God has done for you.

You can't say you are grateful and never express it.
Remember gratitude without expression, is like a present which was never delivered.
Be thankful to God, for your family, friends and neighbours today.

Am grateful because God made another way, I finally went to church, I was totally blessed and am having a great Sunday .

What about you, what are you grateful for and how's the Sunday going?

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  1. Ohhhhhh yes appreciations is an application for more God has his ways of doing things.......

  2. Yh God is great. Brighty thanks for stopping by

  3. Sure! You can't be grateful without expressing it. God always comes through, in the nick of time that's why he's's just one of those things I have known you for, always thankful .

    1. You very right Chris and thanks for the compliment.

  4. Gratitude is it. When u appreciate and thank God for what He did, He will definitely do more. Great!!!

  5. Nothing like gratitude Dr. zukis
