By Omugbe prisca - March 13, 2018

Hello guys I am so excited to be sharing a recent incidence that happened to me on today’s blog post because I indeed found comfort. I will also love to apologize for not posting consistently on the blog for about a week, it was due to the incidence that happened. I guess you’re really curious to know what it’s all about, then continue reading and don't forget to drop your comments. Thanks guys.

Episode one

I awoke from a dream, checked the time, it was 3:30am. I quickly rushed to the convenience to pee as I was so pressed; in no time I was back in bed but still very conscious of waking up by 4:30am to start preparations for church. With my eyes completely heavy, I struggled to check the alarm, it was still intact. I didn't trust myself to wake up at the sound of the alarm because I was completely exhausted by the previous day's activities; it was indeed a hectic one. I muttered prayers to the Holy Spirit to help me wake up at 4:30am.

Just in a blink of an eye the alarm was ringing, still feeling sleepy with my eyes halfway opened, I put it off and wanted to continue sleeping when it's dawned on me that I was supposed to be out of the house by 5:30am in other to catch up with the church bus since my church was miles away. I hurriedly prayed committing the day's activities into God's hands as I was almost running late. It was now 4:50am, I jumped out of the bed straight into the bathroom and by 5:30am I was set to leave the house (I guess that was quite fast as a lady, right?) with my bag properly packed and fully expectant of an impactful service.

After about four minutes walk from the house, without meeting anyone which was mostly the norm, I started hearing voices of people discussing so I thought it was one of those exceptional days. On getting to the junction of the street, I saw two guys advancing towards my direction, immediately fear gripped me but I tried to remain courageous knowing who I am in Christ. I noticed they were walking so fast so I doubled my steps but I guess it was too late. What I felt next was a grip on my shoulder, my heart sank, it felt like ice ran through my veins and my heart beat felt like someone who just finished a thousand metre race. It was still dark, the street light was so deem and far away. I couldn't see the face clearly but the little I could see didn't look familiar and trust me the face looked terrifying like that of a hungry lion ready to bounce on its prey.

check out for the next episode.....

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  1. Jesus christ!!!....Write everything at once jare...I can't wait

  2. Lol mercy, I will post the next episode on thusday.

  3. God will always send us a comforter, in the mist of every storms of life.This is worth sharing though.
    Waiting for the complete episodes,so I can share.

  4. Wow,what a terrible curious to read the next episode dear.. God will continue to protect you from evil fellows.

    1. Amen oh,God will protect us all. Thanks darling

  5. Interesting

    1. Thanks prince for stopping by.You will get the full gist tomorrow

  6. I just can't wait for the next episode! It's a "super" story!

  7. Am telling you dilianne, tomorrow the next post will be out and thanks for stopping by
