By Omugbe prisca - December 12, 2018

I grew up in a society where almost everyone had the saying “opportunity comes but once”. Do opportunity really come only once in a lifetime? I tried to figure out what was in the minds of those who coined this saying and all I could figure out in my opinion (IMO) was that, people should do best with whatever opportunities they are presented with. Therefore life presents us with opportunities, time to time but never take an opportunity for granted. Whatever opportunity you have, do well to maximize it to the very best.

We might have lost some opportunities in life but never carry the mindset that another opportunity would not surface. This mindset will only stand as a stumbling block for other opportunities. So friends, no matter the opportunities you might have lost in 2018 there is “no shaking” (meaning no problem). All you need do is keep an open and sensitive mind. Even our God is a God of a second chance.

Remember, everyday life presents us with opportunities to rewrite our greatness story again.

Never take any opportunity for granted. Never carry the mindset that opportunities lost is forever lost; it might just take time but remain optimistic about life. Remember the saying “once there is life there is hope”.

Do you think you missed an opportunity to lunch that your dream idea? Hey no! You can take steps to start again. Do you think you missed the opportunity of that your dream job? “Umba noh!” (Meaning no in Igbo dialect Nigeria) you didn’t.

You only become a failure when you accept defeat.
Destiny Madu says “There are two benefits of failures, if you do fail, you learn what doesn’t work and second the failure gives you an opportunity to try again”

I will love to hear your own opinions and contributions about this topic; so am eagerly waiting for contributions. Thanks for reading.

Have a great 2019 ahead.

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  1. I do believe that opportunities are exposed to one based on awareness. Sometimes we say opportunities come but once, because we have not trained our mind's eye to recognize an opportunity when it comes by. Sometimes opportunities come in a different sweat coat. We must train ourselves to recognize opportunities when they come by .Keep doing what you are doing. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your insightful contribution. We have to train ourselves to see opportunities indeed.

  2. It varies as opinion itself varies, I would say opportunities are there for d taking buh it all depends on how u handle and take advantage of them when they eventually come. Let's not wait for it to show up a second time to take advantage of it. once is enough

    1. You are right, never take any opportunity for granted. Thanks for contributing.

  3. Great. There is always another opportunity for a comeback. Maybe not as exact as the first but definitely still valuable.

  4. Absolutely, opportunities will always be around us.
