Reflecting on 2022 I didn't do as much as I wanted to, but one thing I loved about this year was that I learned a lot. This year is certainly one of the most significant in my life. It has been the year of so many wins as well as down moments. I experienced a lot of answered prayers as well as a lot of happenings I still don't understand. In all, God has been faithful.
My walk with God has not been the smoothest journey. I have experienced very low moments, but Abba has been faithful. He came through for me in 2022 like never before. I saw his reckless love, not because I am perfect, but because his mercy found me.
I finally started a funded master's program in the United States in August. I have been on this journey for the longest time. I have applied to various scholarships in the last 5 years, but none pulled through. How I started my application to the United States was very divine. It's been 5 months now, and I would say it's been a journey. The culture shock and adapting to a new environment have been a lot, but all in all, I am thriving and grateful.
I read more articles online and did a lot of learning from YouTube and the Online Academy. I read two books this year, "Success Buttons" and "Redeeming Your Time." I highly recommend this book for everyone who wants to be widely productive and present. One thing I love about the book is how it models biblical principles in productivity. I also took some baby steps towards advancing in my career; I attended a Business Analysis Master Class and also earned a Scrum Fundamentals Certification. I hope to keep going gradually but surely in 2023.
If you have read my yearly reviews in the last five years (I will add all links at the end of this post), one thing I have struggled with is consistency. This year has not been so great either, but towards the tail end of the year, I learned a lot about managing my time and becoming more widely productive. I was gifted the book "Redeeming Your Time" by Jordan Raynor. This book has transformed my perspective on inconsistency and productivity. I look forward to sharing all I am learning from this book in a blog post and, more importantly, actively implementing it in my life through 2023.
I decided to take my graphic design to a higher level. I built a professional portfolio I now send to clients, and yeah, I landed a branding deal with an advertisement company. Check out my professional portfolio here and recommend me to your family and friends.
I was able to finalize two ebooks I was working on. "About Last Night" and "Entangled" are both amazing stories you should not let go. Grab a copy here.
Six top things 2022 taught me:
- Abba is a reckless lover. He would always come through.
- Never assume anything, because assumption is the least form of knowledge.
- Be very intentional about your life. Someone said, "They say life is short, but it's the longest thing you would ever do."
- Don't just wish to do things; go for them.
- Approach tasks/projects with the bits perspective because little consistent effort accumulates.
- The gift of people is part of the best gift in your life journey. Treasure them!
If you stayed until this very moment, you are my real MVP. Thank you, and I would love to know what 2022 was like for you. Cheers to 2023 😊
See my 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 yearly review.
Great contents - I thought I was just going to scroll through but I got stuck, and quite inspiring. Going to enjoy reading “About last night”.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and I am excited you found it inspiring.